Server NewsThe October Netcraft Web Server Survey is Out: Apache Still Rules Page...

The October Netcraft Web Server Survey is Out: Apache Still Rules Page 2

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   Microsoft had the largest increase in share of hosts on the web this
   month and is the only one of the top three to gain. However, some
   200,000 of these sites are template sites hosted at
   [1] The largest gain in active sites was at
   [2]Namezero which offers a free .com domain and free hosting.
   The [3]what's that site running? form has been extended to report the
   history of a site's hosting location, operating system and web server.
   Where available, a graph of the site's uptime is also presented.
   Hosting locations with at least five popular sites queried several
   times each week are reported in order of [4]average uptime and a
   league table of the fifty sites with the highest uptimes on the
   internet is also [5]maintained.
   So far, the site with the longest uptime that we have found is
   [6] which has not been rebooted in two and half years,
   and is still running an early version of Netscape-Commerce. The
   [7]Federal Reserve Bank of New York is perhaps the most reliable
   widely used site, and has been rebooted only once in the last year and
   a half, while the freely available content management system [8]Zope
   celebrates a birthday; it was last rebooted exactly a year ago today.
   More commonly though, money talks, and many of the most reliable sites
   are banks, with [9]Republic National Bank, [10]Canadian Imperial Bank
   of Commerce and [11]Union Bank of Switzerland amongst the world's most
   stable sites.
   Also notable is the huge number of the world's busiest sites that are
   hosted by [12]Exodus. Around 10 per cent of the 5000 most frequently
   queried sites are hosted in Exodus datacenters, far more than their
   nearest rival. In terms of average reliability, the most prominent are
   [13]BBN Planet and [14]Energis.
   One of the immediately striking things about the uptime information is

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