Server NewsThe October Netcraft Web Server Survey is Out: Apache Still Rules

The October Netcraft Web Server Survey is Out: Apache Still Rules

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The number of Apache sites dips slightly, while Microsoft IIS gains some ground.

The October 2000 Netcraft Web Server Survey is out;


- Top placed developers with numbers of hosts responding and percentage share -

Developer                                     October 2000   Percent    Change
Apache                                         13295499     59.67     -0.35
Microsoft                                       4493937     20.17      0.61
iPlanet                                         1541275      6.92     -0.23

- Top placed servers with numbers of hosts responding and percentage share -

Server                                        October 2000   Percent    Change
Apache                                         13295499     59.67     -0.35
Microsoft-IIS                                   4491609     20.16      0.61
Netscape-Enterprise                             1500988      6.74     -0.22
WebLogic                                         680332      3.05      0.37
Zeus                                             616200      2.77     -0.10
Rapidsite                                        339379      1.52     -0.05
thttpd                                           225175      1.01      0.11
AOLserver                                        151948      0.68     -0.27
WebSitePro                                       105112      0.47     -0.02
tigershark                                       102850      0.46      0.07


                                 Active Sites                                  
         Developer September 2000 Percent October 2000  Percent Change
         Apache           5334435   60.31      5567580    60.02 -0.29 
         Microsoft        2363044   26.72      2400814    25.88 -0.84 
         iPlanet           256092    2.90       236814     2.55 -0.35 

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